Thursday, 4 September 2008

Eye Candy of the Week

Dinner Plates [ set of 4 ]

Dessert Plates [ set of 4 ]

Bowls [ set of 4 ]

Product: Seconds - Dinnerware
Designer: Jason Miller for Areaware
Designers Website:
Available at: Areaware
Yummy Factor: C'est delicioux !

Jason Miller's “Seconds” series challenges the rules that surround modern day consumer items. Do decorations always need to be centered? Is a whole bird better than a half? Here, Jason’s elegant “mistakes” are artfully and carefully applied to porcelain dinner plates. Each set contains 4 unique patterns. - Areaware -

Available October 15, 2008

1 comment:

  1. oooh lala, tres branché!

    ... I have no idea if that actually says "very cool" or not - here's hoping the french dictionary steered me in the right direction!


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