Monday 15 December 2008

Sadie's first visit to the studio

This week Sarah [ Sarita ] our Architectural Designer at Meade Design Group stopped by the studio to introduce her new baby Sadie - only 5 tender weeks old. Sadie was so adorable and so well behaved. She definitely inherited all of her "uncle" Iván's good qualities.

Sadie brought a beautiful Xmas card and some delicious peppermint pillows that are almost gone already - Thanks to Miss Bobbie who has been indulging more than anyone else. You would never know that she is the resident candy hog with that tiny little frame of hers !

Sadie MacNeill
[ the youngest member team at Meade Design Group ]

Bobbie I Echo I Sadie I Sarah I Iván

The day after we got an email from Sarah were she "elfed" us. If you are ready for some good laughs be patient and wait a little while...


  1. Aaaw she was so adorable! It was so nice to see the MacNeill family and everyone totally has to check out the "Elf" videos, they are hilarious!

  2. I am so glad the elf videos made you laugh! I think they are hilarious myself. I am so honoured that little Sadie has been featured on Uncle Ivan's blog! You guys are the best.
    i hope everyone had a wonderful christmas...enjoy the rest of the time off!
    xo sarita


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