Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Crossing Boundaries - The Travel Experience -

I just received this press release and I had to share it with you. Designer Vicente Wolf brings Crossing Boundaries to LIFE.

Vicente Wolf

Travel to Thailand with Vicente Wolf and learn to see through the eyes of this iconic interior designer.

Have you always dreamt of learning to bring global cultures into your home? Do you long to travel and explore the play of composition, scale, color, contrast and light as they are perceived by people living in a world unknown to us? Want to be inspired by these cultures and learn to see your space as a reflection of a global human spirit?

Over the last 30 years, this has been the basis of Vicente Wolf’s work as an interior designer. In October 2009, Vicente will take ten inquisitive travelers with him to explore Thailand and discover the nuances of scale and color that Vicente has come to know exist only there. On this first of a series of international trips, he will share his global vision of design in a uniquely experiential way – guests will be able to see and touch all that he does in real time and experience how the elements outlined in Vicente’s second book, Crossing Boundaries, are represented in the places that he visits, watching it come to life in the items selected in the markets of the world.

Thai Temple - photo by iccaworld

But it’s about more than just traveling to an exotic destination with one of the world’s favorite designers. Vicente is offering a full-circle opportunity that starts with the option of an in-home consultation prior to the trip for him to analyze the space and ascertain what opportunities can be found in the travels. With this visit setting the stage for what’s to come, Wolf will guide guests, once abroad, first to see the global context of where they are by visiting sites personally selected by the designer, and then assist them as they shop the wonderful markets with expert input to ensure that they bring the world into their home – on a personal basis. Once the goods arrive, Vicente will make a second trip to the guest’s home to assist in their placement so that the items can fully represent the guest’s education.

Interiors by Vicente Wolf

Author of two books, Learning to See (Artisan, 2002) and Crossing Boundaries: A Global Vision of Design (Monacelli Press, 2006), Vicente Wolf is most passionate about empowering others. The decision to bring the Crossing Boundaries experience to life is a natural procession for this sincere teacher, who lectures annually at Parsons and other interior design schools and, as public speaker, regularly enthralls audiences with experiences gained across the globe.

The cost of traveling with Vicente is $15,000 per person, which includes one-on-one time with the designer, but excludes the cost of travel for Vicente to visit each guest’s home and all travel accommodation and fees for guests. Travel arrangements will be handled by Sterling Brownell Travel and in Thailand, luxury tour operators Abercrombie and Kent will take care of guests.

To learn more about this opportunity, please contact travel@vicentewolf.com

Or visit


  1. I'm trying to get his book delivered to me but it's lost somewhere. I can't wait. I would love to go on this trip definitely.

  2. Thank you for sharing.
    The trip must be fantastic, the price is quite high but I am sure the experience will be pure bliss and unforgettable.
    Nothing better than traveling with an insider.

  3. Vicente is so talented, it would be amazing to absorb his insight and inspirations firsthand!

    If I win the lottery we will go for sure!

  4. This is a very good idea. What a unique experience he is offering. Nothing better then travelling and learning from one of the best.

  5. Thank you for the kind post, Ivan. Your blog is great!


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