Monday, 7 December 2009

Ivan Meade in “Question Period”


Today I was feature on “Question Period” – I feel very honoured to be interviewed by Efrén Quiroz – One of the best Art Critics and supports of the Art Scene in Victoria BC. 


Efren’s blog Exhibit-V provides an extensive monthly calendar of openings, ongoing art exhibitions and the most reliable list of art galleries in Victoria B.C. Canada. Video clips of exhibitions and the people attending the events, as well as interviews with artists.


I invite you to read the interview here:





You can also see here the video that  Efrén Quiroz director of Exhibit- V made on my opening night at PS Gallery back in the summer.


This way you can have a pick of my art pieces – Enjoy!






  1. Thanks very much for your comments about exhibit-v

  2. Great interview Ivan. I also appreciate Francisco Toledo and of course my very own Leonardo (coming soon at the VAG.)

  3. Wish I could have been there, but at least I have seen some of these pieces in person. They are wonderfully worked with a great sense of restraint Ivan...bravo. The first image is my feels so whymsical :) Like it's telling you a short story.

    Great job!

  4. great interview Ivan. I love this painting, and the video.

  5. Woo hoo! How great does it feel to be the interviewee instead of the interviewer for once?


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