Sunday, 30 May 2010

Style at Home – Shop Etc Victoria



If you are wondering what my favourite shops are in Victoria you must rush out to buy the July issue of Style at Home out on news stands.


You can find the article “Shop-Etc” [page 112] in which I wrote about some of the best interior design shops in Victoria, BC.


photo (7)


I am very pleased to see my article and shop selections being presented in such a beautiful and elegant way by one of the top design magazines in the country. The team at Style at Home were phenomenal with their guidance. A big “THANK YOU” to Julia Armstrong for her support and patience.


I am not only promoting the magazine because I appear as a guest writer. The magazine also has stunning content like the notes from editor Erin McLaughin “An Unexpected Adventure” - totally worth reading. The article "Painted Ladies" features Martha Stewart, Margot Austin and Sarah Richardson and their colour selections for the summer (Margot Austin selections are my favourite). Also worth reading is an article featuring Carlos Mota – One of the best Stylist in the Interior Design World. The Donna Hay recipes for Semifreddo look very yummy – I can’t wait to prepare the Mint Chocolate Cookie Crush Semifreddo. Filled with beautiful images and decorating ideas I ensure you its a great issue that will give you much reading pleasure - especially my article - page 112.


Happy Sunday Reading!


  1. Ivan, congratulations on the article. I would love to get a copy of the magazine! It sounds wonderful!

    Art by Karena

  2. It's a good thing I just renewed our subscription - I'll eagerly await the next issue :)

  3. Congratulations Ivan.. You know I will definitely be picking up a copy.


  4. Hooray! It does look great :)... and the pink and white cover is right up my alley, of course!

  5. I love it so much Ivan! And of course - that photo of you is great, very dashing, very Ivan :) Thanks again to Meade Design Group! xoxo Onyhuman

  6. Congrats Ivan!

    I'll be picking up a copy as soon as it's available out here in Ottawa.



  7. Congratulations...lovely magazine (and not the kind that's even a guilty pleasure!)


  8. Congratulations! Will definitely be picking up the issue now, well done!


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