Wednesday, 31 August 2011

YAM magazine – Living Large in a Small Space

This has been a great month for us, great projects on the go and some sweet yummy media.  This time by our favourite local magazine, YAM  [ You and Me :: Living Smart ]


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Their Fall Style Issue is full of great articles, particularly special is a very well thought-out article by David Lennam.


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We feel very privileged that YAM magazine included my insight in their article "Living Large in a Small Space" by David Lennam.  It is great to see the thoughts of some of my favourite peers in the city like Katherine Roberts and Patricia Stafford from Acacia ID Studio, Lana Lounsbury, Ben Brannen and Heather Draper, and Donna Riddell of Artistry Design Group all together in one article alongside my own input on design.


August 31 2011 073


Go get your copy today!


  1. Ivan,

    When your the flavor of the month it just keeps on going. Congrats to you, what a thrill.


  2. Another addition to our media section - and a great read too!


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