Wednesday, 26 March 2014


"April is Testicular Cancer awareness month, and as many of our readers know, I was diagnosed with stage III-B testicular cancer in the summer of 2011 at the age of 37.  Although there were many sources of information on Cancer available, I struggled to find information on my particular condition. Furthermore, I was shocked to hear that none of my peers were educated about regular check-up procedures to prevent this from happening to them. Had I known more about preventive measures and the early signs of detection, I would have acted on my symptoms sooner and could have avoided the spread of the disease within my own body.


My prognosis is much better now, and although I am still fighting, I am confident that the great team at the BC Cancer agency are keeping me healthy and looking out for my best interests.




I wanted to put a positive spin on my experience, and use the resources at my disposal (the graphic and web design side of Meade Design Group) to encourage men to give themselves regular checkups, and spread the word about this disease. I am pleased to be partnering with Testicular Cancer Canada in the hope that this campaign proves to be informative and encouraging for anyone who finds themselves up against testicular cancer.


So far, our campaign is focusing on outreach, via information cards and posters (which can be found at local storefronts such as Citizen, Habit, Still Life, Mango, Flavour, Outlooks, and many other locations – contact us if you are interested in any of these items to help spread the word!) and our website:


The information cards (shown here), boast a lot of information for their small size. Outside is a bold graphic, aimed to catch the eye of those at the highest risk, with the URL for the website; inside, a step-by-step guide on how to check yourself for signs of early detection.




If you see one of these posters (below), that means you can find our information cards inside – and that the business is awesome, because they are supporting our cause! We hope to see more and more of these around town!




The most comprehensive facet we have introduced so far is our website, where visitors can get all of the information about regular self-checks and how to do them, along with the signs and symptoms. A valuable asset for me, is the stories of testicular cancer survivors – which we have dubbed 'testi-monials', it's encouraging to know that there are others fighting alongside you. If you are a survivor, or have a story you would like to share, there is a link to add your very own 'testimonial' to the campaign. We hope the website will be a great resource and connect the community of those affected by the disease.




Another great feature of the website is the donation link, where you can make your own donation to Testicular Cancer Canada, which was where I turned to when I was diagnosed. Since Testicular Cancer Canada is based out East, we have partnered with them with our campaign to spread all of their good works to the West Coast. Our goal is to increase awareness and raise enough money to purchase an ad campaign with BC Transit.




Let's make this happen, readers!


Thank you so much for all of your efforts and support so far, monetary donations are wonderful, but if it is not something you can do right now, please contact us about our awareness materials – after all, spreading the word is our goal, if you've got a window, you can help!"


  1. Woo hoo! So glad to see it all coming together and already catching on!

  2. Bravo Ivan I applaud your bravery and all of your efforts to spread the word.

    The Arts by Karena


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