Tuesday, 24 November 2009



HGTV is casting female interior designers for new series... documentary/reality style show will feature the work and life of 3 women working as interior designers. 


If interested in being considered or for more information, please email jshatfordfv@rogers.com   Final candidates will be taped and interviewed in December in New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Miami and possibly Chicago.   Entries should be in by Monday November 30th.



MEADE DESIGN GROUP - THE BLOG. Copyright 2007-2011


Running with Scissors Studio - The Blog said...

Hmmmmm.......maybe you could channel your inner Beyonce again :)

Michelle said...

Sounds interesting...hope they choose some cool folk!

It's allot of hard work that TV...

Are you home now? Loved your posts from Mexico !!


Echito said...

Weird, I wonder why they only want females? I like RWSS response lol - we'll find a way to get you in there yet!